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Why Won’t Beto Just Run for Senate?
He has no chance at the Presidency, so why not step in to a race where he has a shot?
He isn’t my favorite politician by any means, but there’s no doubt that former Texas congressman and current presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke is a fascinating character. After he first took the National spotlight in his senate race against powerful republican incumbent Ted Cruz and nearly won, many have watched to see where Beto’s seemingly promising political career would go.
Given that his performance in the primary has been lackluster to say the least, I don’t think many people feel his decision to run for President was a good one. Between the abysmal first debate performance and little to no ability to get his campaign readily off the ground, there’s no denying that he’s struggled. In a race where the left is weary of his blatant attempt to be the next Barack Obama and Biden and Harris already have the centrist vote locked in, there really wasn’t a good place for him to fit. But almost from the very beginning of the campaign, Beto himself gave democratic voters of all ideological backgrounds a reason to raise their eyebrows and question his intentions.
In his Vanity Faire interview shortly after his campaign launched, when asked why he was running Beto could come up with no better…