Why is Lauren Boebert still in congress?

She’s dangerous, and that only gets more obvious with time.

Lauren Elizabeth


J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photos

Regardless of political party, it should go without saying that there are a number of politicians who, in my view, have absolutely no business being in position of power. Whether it be a blatant disdain for their constituents or unabashed corruption that puts the will of the donor class over the best interest of their voters, it only gets more apparent with each passing election cycle that the majority of our lawmakers care only about their own self interests and power. Of course, that only makes it even more incredible that GOP congresswoman Lauren Boebert has managed to stand out as among the worst.

Just recently, Boebert made more headlines in what appears to be the only way she knows how: by stoking anger, fear, hatred, and resentment. This time, it was yet again directed at her fellow congresswoman, Ilhan Omar. After multiple videos surfaced of Boebert telling what she appears to think is her own comedic version of events, she refers to Omar as a member of the “Jihad Squad”. Going even further in her implications that her fellow elected member of congress is a terrorist, she made sure to tell her crowd of listeners that she thought since she didn’t see a backpack, she must be okay.

What is she still doing in congress?

While some might argue that considering how she is an elected official who was democratically chosen by the people of her district, expelling her might be a bridge too far. Don’t get me wrong. Expelling members of congress absolutely should be used as a last resort, and I know Boebert will have enough Republicans in her corner to prevent that from happening anyways. But after watching Ilhan Omar stand in front of a crowd of journalists at a press conference and play back a voicemail where a supporter of Boebert told her she wouldn’t be living much longer, obviously Boebert needs to face consequences. Wouldn’t it be nice if those consequences extended beyond merely stripping her of committee assignments she likely does not care about anyways?

In what other workplace would this be tolerated? In what other workplace would Ilhan Omar be expected to show up and tolerate this? While she is certainly not the first public figure or elected…



Lauren Elizabeth

Lauren is a writer & leftist with analysis on topics related to politics & policy. She can be reached at LaurenMartinchek@gmail.com or Twitter @xlauren_mx