What’s Going to Happen to Eastern Europe?

Tensions continue to rise, and diplomacy seems to be spiraling.

Lauren Elizabeth


Photo by Sam Korovich on Unsplash

While I can’t say I’m surprised that tensions with Russia continue to mount after they began stationing troops on the Ukrainian border, watching these developments has certainly been incredibly disheartening and unsettling to say the least. Unfortunately, news that Biden has not only begun evacuating the embassy but is preparing to station some troops within Eastern Europe has done little to diffuse the situation.

It’s the same story every time isn’t it?

Whether it be Syria, or Yemen, there always seem to be two large powers on either side of the conflict, and a country caught in the middle.

Are we really about to watch Ukraine become collateral damage in yet another proxy war between two world superpowers who seem to view its inhabitants as nothing more than pawns in another game of geopolitical chess? Will other nations become collateral damage, too?

What’s going to happen to Eastern Europe?

Obviously, I am no expert on Eastern Europe or the geopolitical significance of its smaller countries since the end of the cold war and the collapse of the Soviet Union. But, I have a strong Eastern European background on my Dad’s side. It was just last…



Lauren Elizabeth

Lauren is a writer & leftist with analysis on topics related to politics & policy. She can be reached at LaurenMartinchek@gmail.com or Twitter @xlauren_mx