Trump’s Floating Three Term Presidencies.

Because of course he is.

Lauren Elizabeth
3 min readMay 19, 2024
Photo by Darren Halstead on Unsplash

It’s been closing in on a decade since Donald Trump first truly emerged as a force in the political realm for the right wing and throughout all that time, as ridiculous as it might sound at this point i still find myself wondering if there will ever be a Donald Trump rally or convention speech without some eyebrow raising quote.

I don’t think so.

Well the trend continues and now, of course, Trump’s floating the idea of three term presidencies.

Myah Ward with Politico writes:

“Former President Donald Trump on Saturday floated the idea of a third term if he wins in November.

“You know, FDR 16 years — almost 16 years — he was four terms. I don’t know, are we going to be considered three-term? Or two-term?” Trump quipped at the National Rifle Association annual meeting, speaking before a crowd of gun rights supporters.

Some in the crowd shouted in response: “Three.”

It’s not the first time Trump has mentioned extending his stay in the White House, an idea he suggested while on the campaign trail in 2020. His latest remarks provide more fodder for the Biden campaign, which seized on the comments as it tries to paint Trump as a threat to democracy and…



Lauren Elizabeth

Lauren is a writer & leftist with analysis on topics related to politics & policy. She can be reached at or Twitter @xlauren_mx