McConnell, Impeachment, and the Death of the American Constitution.

We’re witnessing the death of the democratic process right before our eyes.

Lauren Elizabeth
3 min readDec 17, 2019
Photo via Mitch McConnell on Instagram

As we all know, the last few months for the Trump administration have been shrouded with controversy. After news broke that the President withheld foreign aid to Ukraine in order to pressure them to investigate the son of his Presidential rival Joe Biden’s son’s involvement with a gas company, talk of impeachment has dominated the news cycle. With two articles of impeachment now drafted and the democratic House of Representatives set to vote any time now, the conversation has predictably moved on to what will happen once it is sent on for trial in the senate.

While some would argue that acquittal in the Senate is a foregone conclusion considering what the Republican Party has evolved in to, one could also make the counterpoint that it’s going to depend entirely on the polling numbers of a few Republicans running for re-election. That being said, there is one incredibly powerful Republican who has already made his position in regards to the President’s impeachment crystal clear for the American people weeks ahead of time.

Senate Majority Leader and ultimately the man responsible for running the trial in the Senate, Kentucky’s own Mitch McConnell has already…



Lauren Elizabeth

Lauren is a writer & leftist with analysis on topics related to politics & policy. She can be reached at or Twitter @xlauren_mx