Joe Manchin Voted With the GOP Against Codifying Roe.

The Senator needs to be dealt with. Now.

Lauren Elizabeth
3 min readMay 12, 2022
Francis Chung/E&E News

There are no words to describe how much I loathe Joe Manchin, and incredibly it seems week after week, he just gives new reasons for those feelings to grow. While his decision to plunge millions of children back into poverty by standing in the way of the child tax credit becoming permanent will always stand out as one of the cruelest ways the west Virginia Senator has decided to flex his power, his decision to vote with the GOP against codifying Roe vs. Wade into law is certainly high on the list as well.

At this point, Democratic voters need to make it clear that we’ve had enough. Either Joe Manchin is dealt with and forced from the party, or we have to assume that the rest of them support his actions. Why should we tolerate this? He is literally handing over rights to bodily autonomy, and propelling us into fascism as he does it. But, as is the case with other lawmakers like Pelosi and Schumer, what does he really care anyways? He can fly his granddaughters off to Paris to get an abortion if need be. No one in his circles will ever have to go without.

You can bet that at least some of the women making less than a living wage in his state will end up dying, though.



Lauren Elizabeth

Lauren is a writer & leftist with analysis on topics related to politics & policy. She can be reached at or Twitter @xlauren_mx