I Think Trump Will Win Tonight’s Debate, and Here’s Why.

I’m not sure Biden will have the energy to keep up with him.

Lauren Elizabeth
3 min readJun 27, 2024
Photo by Joshua Sukoff on Unsplash

Well, it’s here.

Tonight is the night of the first debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump of the 2024 general election, and the rematch begins.

If we’re being honest, I’m still trying to decide if I’m even going to bother watching. The thought exhausts me, frankly, and I just don’t know what either of them could possibly say that will sway any of my overall thoughts about what comes next. Things feel bleak regardless, and I’m not sure I want to bother wasting my time.

Having said that, I do have some thoughts on who I think is going to win.

Donald Trump, and here’s why.

If we’re taking an honest look and assessing the situation, can we honestly say that Joe Biden has enough energy to keep up with him?

The energy levels are undeniably, objectively different. Sure, Trump might drive people nuts with all the interruptions, hence why they’ve made that much more difficult for him to do this time around. But there is such a stark contrast in the levels of intensity, and combining that with the questions that already exist about Joe Biden’s ability to handle another term…



Lauren Elizabeth

Lauren is a writer & leftist with analysis on topics related to politics & policy. She can be reached at LaurenMartinchek@gmail.com or Twitter @xlauren_mx